The Hidden Dangers of Traditional Discipline Methods

What Every Parent Should Know About the Long-Term Effects of Spanking


Disciplining children is one of the challenging tasks most parents and educators are expected to accomplish. Even in the home environment or at school, it is normal to use corporal punishment to manage the behavior of children in Pakistan, among other societies. Although the reasons people punish children are constructive in most cases, research shows that children’s corporal punishment might have one or more different ramifications. Instead of helping children learn appropriate behaviors, corporal punishments have many other adverse effects. In this article, we shall look at the dangers of some aiding loss control techniques and how each harms children in the hands of parents, teachers, and caregivers.

Understanding Physical Punishment

Physical punishment, including tactics such as smack, beat, shove, slap, kick, or hit a child, is a violent act intended to change behavior. However, it is doubtful that it will allow the change to occur, at least in the long run. The use of physical punishment not only fails to change behavior effectively, but it also inflicts emotional distress on the child, hindering their development.

Moderate to severe physical punishment inflicted on children makes them exhibit higher aggression and disruptive behavior and perform poorly in academic work. Moreover, these children have difficulty in controlling their impulses later on in life, have many psychological problems, and are likely to have poor health outcomes later on.

The Effect of the Physical Punishment on the Inclination to be Aggressive

As the effects of punishing children turns out, the most worrying is the correlation between punishing a child and the child being aggressive. This behavior can be learned when children go through especially corporal punishment. This will eventually cause more aggression problems at the home and at school.

That once one becomes an adult and is abused does not end. Adult relationships are marred by aggressive tendencies where there is the history of being spanked as a child. In instances of children being abused, there are patterns of abuse that will tend to emanate across families and such patterns remains so for many generations.

Disruptive and Antisocial Behavior

Disruptive and antisocial behavior has been associated with the employing of physical punishment on a child. A child that goes through corporal punishment is more prone to be hyperactive, break rules and engage in anti social behavior. Children typically use this as means for a “tear” or stress relief and encompass the level of confusion regarding the glooms of punishment.

In educational contexts, these kinds of behaviors will lead to some form of punishment, making them even more isolated from their friends and teachers. This, in my opinion, is a vicious phenomenon known as negative reinforcement, whereby punishment begets insubordination, which again earns one more sentence.

Poor Academic Performance

This achievement bodes well for a child’s growth and future opportunities. However, children who receive physical punishment are academically unfit. The distress and apprehension related to unnecessary punishment can also affect children’s brain function when they are in class, potentially impacting their future academic and career prospects.

Studies show that, these children are highly likely to encounter the primary deficits mentioned. Compared to their colleagues, these students have divisions of phobia towards different tests, which in turn affects their performance. This apathetic trend in academic performance can leave lifelong stress on a child’s self-worth or future.

Impulse Control and Decision Making

Impulse control takes various forms, from being able to heed instructions to making wise or aware decisions. Young children who are subjected to corporal punishment tend to lose out on impulse control. Children’s responses to physical punishment and the fear instilled in them by their caregivers tend to be instantaneous.

Those who are deficient in self-regulation are also likely to engage in risky activities, fail to make sound judgments, or have problems regulating their emotions. These challenges can continue into adult life and impact interpersonal relations, occupational interests, or general quality of life.

Mental Health Consequences

It is apparent from numerous studies that the use of physical punishment is detrimental to emotional health and wellbeing. Parents employ emotional abuse techniques that are harsh on the children for them to listen to them. Abusing children, bullying and frightening them with the use of physical force upon them is unhealthy as it hinders their development both psychologically and emotionally.

As an adult, individuals who have been subjected to physical punishment in their childhood may find themselves seeking help from mental health professionals due to unresolved childhood trauma. It is important to recognize the long-term effects of physical punishment and take responsibility for seeking professional help to address these issues.

Physical Health Outcomes

Physically punitive parenting has also been related to physical health problems in adult individuals. Also, people who were regularly spanked during childhood had higher chances of developing heart diseases and cancer among other irreversible respiratory diseases. One common injury out of the many injuries that the doctor noticed in adult subjects with history of physical abuse was overweight. Regular stress is also believed to be a very important factor in stress disorder.

Permanently elevated stress due to abuse or excessive punishment may alter the immune system for the worse, which makes one prone to different illnesses. This goes to emphasize on the health risks that can arise in areas not well addressed which is the physical aspect of discipline abuse.

The Impact of Chronic Stress

Chronic stress is a significant problem that has increasingly taken a toll on one’s mental as well as physical health. For instance, when a child is spanked in anger, the stress response mechanism becomes amplified which makes it difficult to toggle back to a lesser state of worry. Such extensive stress is likely to affect the normal processes of growth and development and lead to complicated health issues in the future.

The further assessment of physical punishment in relation to chronic stress necessitates the use of other forms of discipline that do not cause so much anguish to a child. There is a treatment that targets and addresses stress related to children and other forms of stress that can stabilize the mental welfare of everyone.

Alternative Discipline Methods

Considering this dysfunction epidemic, it becomes unavoidable to search for other approaches towards discipline, which would promote the desired behavior without inflicting injury. Below are a few useful alternative methods:

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement involves discussing a child’s inappropriate behavior calmly, explaining why it’s not acceptable, and guiding them toward better alternatives. By acknowledging their efforts and encouraging positive changes, children learn self-awareness and self-regulation. This method focuses on using mistakes as learning opportunities, fostering a supportive and constructive environment for growth.

Communicating and Understanding Behavioral Problems

Some behavioral issues can be resolved if there is good communication. Discouraging a certain behavior without offering reasons only makes children disobey rules. A good relationship is reliant on communication is built on understanding, self-dignity, and collective efforts.

Building a Positive Environment

Building a positive environment is important for children’s recovery and growth. Below are some such methods.


Most children, especially young children in ome, need boundaries in the form of rules and expectations to know their limits and, more importantly, to give them a feeling of security. When discipline is given and carried out in the right manner, it is possible for the child to pick up some decent behaviors and learn from their mistakes.

Empathy and Compassion

Tenderness and kindness toward children are expressions of appreciation for the fact that every child’s worth is in their existence. Accepting their feelings and attempts can be helpful in fulfilling the parent’s child relationship wishes.

Role Modeling.

The practice of role modeling is usually beneficial in the teaching or rather socialization of children. It is through observing adult figures around them that children are able to learn new things. Prentice Hall has so many examples of positive behaviors such as patience, kindness, being positive and even how to solve a problem. This is the way before children how his/her works ought to be.


In case of extreme circumstances where parents and educators experience difficulties in devising the right strategy or in sticking up to it due to discipline challenges, the right thing to do is to call for help. Child psychologists and counselors are able to be utilized in respect to the wrong doings of the child and the best way to promote discipline in a positive light.

Parents and educators can also receive professional support regarding stress-related or emotional difficulties in the course of discipline in order to focus on discipline when it is necessary to do so.


There is enough evidence to substantiate that the routine practice of applying body punishment as a way of discipline is a needless risk. The impact of physical punishment is broad, ranging from aggressive attitudes to disorderly in class and backward performance in academics and health in the future.

Focus on alternative discipline methods that can help to model good behavior and help the children cope well. Avoid and fix the negative aspects of discipline – let’s get over cruel discipline for always.

For people looking for a further search, it is advisable to seek the help of child psychologists and other specialists to develop positive discipline to be more supportive. Moving ahead, we can build a world where today’s children do not fall prey to the underbelly of the negative facets of disciplining as seen in the past.

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